LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl


Vy d'Etra 100,
Milvignes ,
Neuchatel ,
0041 32 552 06 06

About LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl:

At Egga LLC we work closely with carefully selected member florists and can arrange suitable flowers to be delivered by a skilled florist according to your instructions. With EGGA LLC acting on your behalf you are sure to receive wonderful service and flowers. That's our guarantee!

Opening Times:

9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 5pm
9am - 2pm

We deliver flowers to:

Overview for LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl

We have 388 reviews for LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl


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All reviews for LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl

  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Nazair Rating: 5 out of 5

    Wonderfully arranged and drivered perfectly. Very happy with this service. Highly recommended.

    Nazair - 28th Nov


  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Jackie Rating: 5 out of 5

    Flowers were for the arrival of a new baby and were absolutely perfect. Thank you also for the very prompt delivery. Fantastic service.

    Jackie - 8th Jun


  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Cary Rating: 5 out of 5

    Great communication, beautiful bouquet and fast delivery. 10/10 :)

    Cary - 16th Feb


  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Rex Rating: 5 out of 5

    Flowers were beautifully arranged and a very subtle blend of colours for Valentines Day, - my friend was really pleased with them. Thank you very much Cristian Felix Flowers!

    Rex - 15th Feb


  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Gonzalez Rating: 5 out of 5

    Beautiful big, fresh bouquet delivered on time for a birthday. I've used Christian Felix a few times and have always been satisfied and happy with their designs and quality.

    Gonzalez - 23rd Jun 2023


  • LesFleurs Dailyflowers Sàrl Helen Rating: 5 out of 5

    The ordering was easy and delivery very efficient. The flowers were exactly what I had ordered and were fresh and timely. Very grateful. Will use this site sgain

    Helen - 15th Jun 2023


Florist's Bouquet
Florist's Bouquet

By giving free rein to their talent, they will make a bouquet combining freshness, aesthetics and inspirations of the moment that will surprise and please the recipient.

Florist choice bouquet.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Florist's Arrangement
Florist's Arrangement

To delight and surprise the recipient, our local florists let their creativity and great know-how speak for themselves.

Florist choice arrangement.

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Wonderful Charm
Wonderful Charm

Bouquet in pinks and whites with a hint of purple to include pink roses and a box of chocolates.

Bouquet in pinks and whites with a hint of purple to include pink roses and a box of chocolates.

SFr120.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Beautiful red and pink roses in a bouquet with filler flowers and foliage.

Beautiful red and pink roses in a bouquet with filler flowers and foliage.

SFr100.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

My Favourite
My Favourite

Basket of fresh flowers Flower arrangement comprised of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia, pink, purple and green.

Basket of fresh flowers Flower arrangement comprised of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia, pink, purple and green.

SFr85.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Red Roses
Red Roses

Red roses with greenery in a nice bouquet. Please note: Vase not included

Red roses with greenery in a nice bouquet. Please note: Vase not included

SFr130.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Arrangement in a round container. In shades of yellow, violet, coral (depending on availability at the florist's) with other colourful seasonal flowers.

Arrangement in a round container. In shades of yellow, violet, coral (depending on availability at the florist's) with other colourful seasonal flowers.

SFr110.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Bouquet of white flowers with foliages.

Bouquet of white flowers with foliages.

SFr105.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


This red and pink country bouquet is an excellent choice to express your thanks. Its chic and modern look will enhance your most heartfelt words and is sure to touch your recipient.

This red and pink country bouquet is an excellent choice to express your thanks. Its chic and modern look will enhance your most heartfelt words and is sure to touch your recipient.

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Bouquet of fresh flowers in reds pinks and oranges to include roses and lillies.

Bouquet of fresh flowers in reds pinks and oranges to include roses and lillies.

SFr105.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Magical Day
Magical Day

Imagined as a walk in nature, our "Magical Day" bouquet is a perfect blend of pastel tones and more intense shades to accompany your best wishes.

Bouquet in a blend of pastel tones and more intense shades.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Be Happy
Be Happy

Treat your loved ones to a beautiful array of pink flowers. Composed mainly of beautiful roses, gerberas and greenery, it brings a real touch of freshness.

Bouquet of pink flowers, mainly of beautiful roses, gerberas and greenery,

SFr80.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


A bouquet of roses and other summer flowers in shades of pink and orange with greenery.

A bouquet of roses and other summer flowers in shades of pink and orange with greenery.

SFr85.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

From My Heart
From My Heart

Say thank you with a luminous country bouquet in shades of salmon and yellow, which will convey your message of thanks to a loved one, colleague or client.

Country bouquet in shades of salmon and yellow.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Flower arrangement comprised of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia, pink, purple and green, all in an elegant basket.

Flower arrangement comprised of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia, pink, purple and green, all in an elegant basket.

SFr80.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Happy and Festive
Happy and Festive

Fresh and in seasonal tones, our "Happy and Festive" bouquet is a breath of nature.

Bouquet of fresh pale seasonal tones. Soft, elegant flowers and wild greenery.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Close to you
Close to you

Be sure to please with this delightful creation in sparkling colours.

Composed of orange-colored germini, freesia, hypercum and dianthus. This floral creation will bring a pleasant touch of cheerfulness to its recipient.

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Round bouquet of white roses decorated with small white and yellow flowers with greenery.

Round bouquet of white roses decorated with small white and yellow flowers with greenery.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Florist's Green Plant
Florist's Green Plant

Our florist is committed to selecting for you a beautiful green plant, bright and fresh, to bring a touch of light and nature indoors!

Indoor beautiful green plant.

SFr60.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Flower hand-sheaf
Flower hand-sheaf

Tied Sheaf in whites and greens.

Tied Sheaf in whites and greens.

SFr120.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Arrangement of sunflowers in a basket accented with red flowers and a hint of greenery.

Arrangement of sunflowers in a basket accented with red flowers and a hint of greenery.

SFr60.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Colourful Spray
Colourful Spray

Arrangement of fresh flowers in mixed orange shades.

Arrangement of fresh flowers in mixed orange shades.

SFr290.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Soft Feelings
Soft Feelings

Arrangement of fresh flowers in pinks and purples. Flowers are made in foam and placed in a container.

Arrangement of fresh flowers in pinks and purples. Flowers are made in foam and placed in a container.

SFr95.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Flower basket
Flower basket

A tender and invigorating flowery gift in seasonal flowers.

A delicate arrangement of roses and seasonal flowers, in shades of pink, white and green.

SFr70.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Classic hand-sheaf
Classic hand-sheaf

Classic hand-sheaf in shades of pink and white, with a touch of blue or violet, trimmed with greenery.

Classic hand-sheaf in shades of pink and white, with a touch of blue or violet, trimmed with greenery.

SFr110.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Round short-stemmed funeral bouquet of white roses with a touch of pink and enhanced with a selection of greenery

Round short-stemmed funeral bouquet of white roses with a touch of pink and enhanced with a selection of greenery

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

I adore you
I adore you

Bouquet of flowers comprised of several types of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia (depending on availability at florist's), pale pink and creme with an assortment of greenery.

Bouquet of flowers comprised of several types of flowers in shades of pink fuchsia (depending on availability at florist's), pale pink and creme with an assortment of greenery.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Rain of colors
Rain of colors

Round short-stemmed bouquet of Gerberas and roses in orange and red tones, as well as various white and green seasonal flowers accompanied by a little greenery.

Round short-stemmed bouquet of Gerberas and roses in orange and red tones, as well as various white and green seasonal flowers accompanied by a little greenery.

SFr105.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Long-stemmed bouquet composed of white lilies, light pink roses and other pink and red seasonal flowers enhanced with greenery.

Long-stemmed bouquet composed of white lilies, light pink roses and other pink and red seasonal flowers enhanced with greenery.

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

It's a girl
It's a girl

A round bouquet composed of roses in pastel pink and little seasonal flowers in white and pink . The bouquet is accented with a little greenery and decorated with feathers (depending on availability at the florist's) and a pink ribbons.

A round bouquet composed of roses in pastel pink and little seasonal flowers in white and pink . The bouquet is accented with a little greenery and decorated with feathers (depending on availability at the florist's) and a pink ribbons.

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

It's a boy
It's a boy

A round bouquet composed of roses in shades of white and small seasonal flowers in white and green. The bouquet is accented with a little greenery and decorated with feathers (depending on availability at the florist's) and blue ribbons

A round bouquet composed of roses in shades of white and small seasonal flowers in white and green. The bouquet is accented with a little greenery and decorated with feathers (depending on availability at the florist's) and blue ribbons

SFr75.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Moment of Pleasure
Moment of Pleasure

Round bouquet of mixed white and green flowers with some lilies and other season flowers, Sober and elegant.

Round bouquet of mixed white and green flowers with some lilies and other season flowers, Sober and elegant.

SFr95.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Bouquet of fresh flowers in mixed pink and peach shades.

Bouquet of fresh flowers in mixed pink and peach shades.

SFr105.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


Round bouquet of short-stem white peonies, highlighted with a hint of greenery.

Round bouquet of short-stem white peonies, highlighted with a hint of greenery.

SFr80.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket


A round bouquet of short-stem pink and white flowers.

A round bouquet of short-stem pink and white flowers accented with a hint of blue or purple (depending on availability at florist's) and assorted greenery.

SFr90.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Funeral wreath
Funeral wreath

Funeral wreath composed of roses, seasonal flowers and precious plants in shades of red and white. A funeral wreath to pay tribute and to express condolences.

Funeral wreath composed of roses, seasonal flowers and precious plants in shades of red and white. A funeral wreath to pay tribute and to express condolences.

SFr295.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket

Pastel Heart
Pastel Heart

A sublime heart composed of soft flowers in pastel pink and white tones, to show your affection.

A sublime heart composed of soft flowers in pastel pink and white tone.

SFr220.00 Hand Delivered Add to Basket